Sunday, May 16, 2010

ATTN: everyone.

just wanted to let you know i have changed.
what i was last summer is not who i am this
summer. just wanted to clarify, so as to not
confuse anyone.
ps. this post is because dan doesn't believe i have changed {in retrospec of guys}


s@d said...

Funny Anna. I was just thinking Anna doesn't seem like the same girl as last summer.

Myrle Dalton said...

You are and were wonderful. It is hard to show 'wonderful' in a single date or even a few. 'Wonderful' is a whole long set of 'being'. Even though you 'have changed' from last summer, you were wonderful then, and just more of the same wonderful now. If anyone questions your wonderfulness, they just need to communicate with your gram. As for Dan, he is wonderful too! Just a different kind of wonderful.