Sunday, April 19, 2009

modelin roomies.

this past friday my roomies and i decided that it be the time to take our America's next top model pics. we got all dressed up, hair done, and make up definitly on! then we took the shots. i finished them off by editing them, which some look good and some look not so good, why? well its because we did it in the late afternoon and by the time ashley mann's turn came the lighting was really really terrible so it was pretty hard for me to edit it. here are the pics i have edited so far.
^ dana, my room roommate. she wanted her eyes to pop blue and i kept trying things and now everyone says it looks like she drank a bottle of windex!
^ ashley kohler. lookin fierce as usual. eyes are a little bit scary looking but i like the edit.
^ ashley mann would kill me if she saw this. she doesnt like this picture at all, but i really like it of her! i think she looks dazziling.
^ the first edit of the day. dana is easily photographed i would have to say.

1 comment:

Seagull Dream said...

wahoe. what are you wearing? is that cleavage i see?